The Best Flex Tape Memes

Today I'm taking a look at the best Flex Tape memes that I've seen. I know it's a dead meme, but almost every post I've done so far is about dead memes. I did WWIII, that's almost dead now, but it was still alive when I posted about it. Recommend this blog to your friends if they love dead memes as much as I do.

5. Saw It in Half

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As we all know, Phil's trademark maneuver is sawing everything in half. This is a pretty funny, original meme, so congrats to whoever came up with this one. I quite like it. However, it does have one major flaw, we can't see the meme Flex Taped back together. I'm getting suspicious. Does Flex Tape really work?

4. Crossover Episode

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This is a crossover episode as I did a post on WWIII and one of the memes involved North Korea. If you haven't read that, here's a link: Anyway, back to the memes. I like this meme, because it offers a viable solution to the North Korea crisis. The pentagon needs to get together with Phil.

3. BINGo

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This meme is able to tie Flex Tape memes and Bing memes together. We all know that Bing sucks, but that's a post for another time (tomorrow maybe???). There are very, very few things that Flex Tape can't fix, but I agree with the random crowd member on this one. There is no way that Flex Tape can fix this. I think the only other thing that Flex Tape can't fix is Bing itself.

2. C'mon Phil

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Contrary to the last meme, this IS something that Flex Tape can fix. From now on, before you go to the hospital, see if you can fix it with Flex Tape. Deep stab wound? Try Flex Tape. Gunshot wound? They have Flex Seal. (For legal reasons, all of the above is a joke. Please seek medical attention immediately if you are stabbed or shot.) I am however, seriously concerned about when Phil's voice is going to give out. He screams at you in the commercials. I hope he's not like that all the time, because that can't be good for your voice and it may put extra strain on relationships.

1. That's a LOT of Damage

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This is a savage meme to end on, but it just be like that sometimes. Of course, I had to work Phil's second trademark phrase in here, otherwise I would be suffering from a lot of damage. You can't make a post about the god of tape without including something about a lot of damage. I love this conversation though. This roast is on another level though and only Phil himself can sum it up. I just hope and pray that this man is able to fully recover.

Thank you for reading this. I hope you are having a great day, and I hope that this post was able to make you laugh. That's the goal of this blog after all. Please promote this blog so that I can have more readers and hopefully change someone's life for the better. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine. That's all for today, I'll post another tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and so on and so forth.


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