Bing Memes

Today we're going to take a look at the five best Bing memes. There are a lot of good memes in this category, so this was a hard list for me to make. But, here you go. Don't forget to leave a comment and share this with your friends. Please help me grow this blog.

5. How to Burn a Lot of Calories

Image result for how to burn a lot of calories mcdonalds meme

This meme is great because it just goes to show that Bing too can be right, it just has a slightly unorthodox and more over the top answer. Here we see that Bing is in fact, giving you a way to burn WAY more calories than running ever will. Although I don't recommend you actually go out and commit a crime, Bing isn't wrong.

4. Spending Too Much on Gas?

Image result for cheap gas near me meme

Yet again, Bing proves itself to be a search engine that promotes crime. Someone should create a service that offers Search Engine Criminalization instead of SEO and offer it to Bing. Multi-million dollar idea right there. But, once again, Bing is not technically wrong. I consider free anything to be pretty cheap as long as you value 50 bucks more than a life in prison.

3. The Secret Ingredient Is...

Image result for bing memes clean

Crime is never the answer, unless you're Bing. Little spoiler, almost every single Bing v. Google meme EVER created relates to Google giving the standard, useful search result and Bing giving a very illegal, but often effective answer. The results are hilarious.

2. In Classic Criminal Fashion

Image result for bing vs google memes

In this meme we see Bing's true intent: to decrease the surplus population. Bing is truly evil. Who knew? I love how this meme actually depicts Bing as Emperor Palpatine, the purest form of fictional evil in a galaxy far, far away.

1. Please Go To Google

Image result for bing vs google memes

This last one is clearly a joke (although this is the third search result on Bing (I just typed it in) please don't commit suicide). However, there is a serious lesson to be learned from this: always go to Google, unless you have some Bing secret in which case let me know. This was my deepest post to date. We learned that Bing is evil, Google will give reliable search results, and you should not become a criminal.

Thanks for reading. As always, I hope you have a great day. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Since we are still trying to grow this blog, share it with your friends, and leave a comment. Thank You


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