Car Memes

Now we're back from the realm of knock knock jokes, and we're going to do a post about car memes. I like cars, and I like memes, so this should be good. Here we go with number five.

5. The Must Never Find Out


I like this one because it's just a well-timed picture. I don't know if these cars are on a rally and that's their luggage van, or if that person was just able to snag the spot. It's a funny caption though, and I suspect that they'll never discover who the van really is.

4. Mind = Blown

20 Super Funny Car Memes You Really Need to See ... 

I was unaware that you could make a Subaru more functional. This man is a genius. I wish I'd thought of that. Look, he even got the gold rims to match. However, what do you call that attachment. Is it a trailer, or added storage, or a wagon? What is it?

3. I'm Smart, S-M-R-T

Collection of Funny Driving Quotes and Car Memes ...

They call them Smart Cars for a reason. What makes this even more funny is that there are at least five open parking spots on either side and now the silver car is trapped. It seemed like a good idea, but upon closer inspection, the idiocy is laughable. 

2. Awwwww

Car memes guaranteed to be more fun than traffic : theCHIVE

I had to include this one because the car is just so cute. Look how happy he is. I love when companies make the front grill into a smile. The headlights also do an amazing job of completing the smiley face. This is great. It warms my heart.

1. No You Didn't

Evolution of Grill : memes

Now the grill is the car. BMW has been making its grills bigger through the decades, but recently they took it to a new level with the release of the new 4 series: Image result for bmw new 4 series

This is not the way that the BMW grill was meant to be and this meme shows that. BMW is just going to continue to make their grills bigger, and bigger, and bigger until the radiator grill IS the car. Now, we just sit and wait for 2060.

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post. Please leave a comment and share so that other people can laugh too. See you tomorrow!


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