
Hello, and welcome to my blog. If you're new here, you should know that I post every day and I make top five lists about memes. I've done WWIII memes, my favorite memes, and even Epstein memes. Go check these posts, and many others out after you finish this one. If you've been here before, welcome back. Today we're going to be looking at the top five philosoraptor memes.

5. Questions Even SCIENCE Can't Answer

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This is one of those questions where you will be wrong no matter what you say. This is a really deep meme, and we will never know the answer to this question. Philosoraptor has us tounge-tied again. Everyone reading this, give philosoraptor a round of applause, unless you know the answer, then comment down below.

4. Philosoraptor Strikes Again

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To whoever says that memes can't be deep: answer this question. This is another one of those mind-bloggers. If the iCar does have windows, then Apple is cheating on itself. If it doesn't, then Apple has created the world's crappiest car. This puts Apple between a rock and a hard place, so I suspect that Apple will just stay out of the automobile business... Unless they buy out Microsoft.

3. Took Me a Minute

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This meme makes you look at it a couple of times before you get it. Well, it made me look at it for a while, but you might've gotten it right away. The answer seems obvious but it's one of those hidden detail jokes. However, maybe there is a problem with the electric motor and it caught fire. Then there would be smoke, and my first answer would be right. Betcha didn't think of that philosoraptor.

2. Or Is That Offensive

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I would say yes, if they are arguing about beef. However, if they aren't it should be called a veggie. Or just an argument, either one works. I personally prefer veggie, so that's what I'll be using from now on.

1. Scientifically Impossible, Unless...

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Noooooooooooo. This is a really twisted picture... literally. Haha. This image will be forever branded into your brain. Philosoraptor really is THAT uncomfortable. Poor philosoraptor.

Well, that's all for today. I hope you enjoyed these memes as much as I did. Please comment and share this post. I keep all my memes clean, so these posts are friendly for all ages. Have a great day.


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