Top Five Pie Chart Memes

I decided to go back to the format where I give a meme, comment on it, give a meme, comment on it, and so on. I prefer this more than just posting a ton of memes because I personally like reacting to them, and I hope you like my reactions too.

5. WHAT?!

Image result for pie chart meme"

I like this meme because it relates to me and, according to the pie chart, about 90% of the population. I have a strategy that took years to perfect, but I'm going to give it to you today for FREE. If I don't hear someone, I always start by asking what. If I still can't understand them I ask what once more. However, most people will get annoyed if you ask more than twice, so after two times, gauge their reaction. If they laugh or smile, laugh along. If they're serious, say something along the lines of "Oh, that's interesting" and maybe crack a smile or something. If it was a question: RUN.

4. Whoa

Image result for pie chart meme"

I included this one on the list not because it's mind-blowingly hilarious, but because it looks really cool. At first, I didn't even see a pie chart, just a clip-art looking photo of a pyramid. It's THAT good. Sadly, this is probably better than any picture I've ever drawn or will ever draw. Guess who has two thumbs and is really bat at art? This guy.

3. Yellow

Image result for pie chart meme"

This meme is pretty good. It actually made me laugh, unlike most pie chart memes (some are pretty good though) and it's pretty true. However, I have to disagree with it because this meme is a pie chart meme that is actually funny. It contradicts itself. Also, if there were no funny pie chart memes, you wouldn't be here reading this.

2. Studying

This is actually true though. I usually complain to anyone that will listen about all of the tests I have tomorrow, then I complain that I'm going to be up until midnight studying. When I finally get home, I think "Well, I don't have any actual homework, so I'll study after dinner." Of course, that's a lie, and "after dinner" turns into "You have five minutes to review before the test class." I waste that too, and just rely on memory. I definitely don't recommend this, but c'mon everybody does it.

1. Questions Even Science Can't Answer

Does anybody really understand anything though? This is a very well done meme, though I can't say the same for the pie chart. Show this to your English teacher and have him or her go into an in depth explanation of the different types of irony. It's thrilling stuff (if you got my Monopoly Wii reference, good for you). This is a funny meme, but it is our last.

Thanks for reading guys, I hope you enjoyed this post. I really enjoyed writing it. Please consider following the blog, commenting, and sharing. Thanks again!


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