Oh Look A Penny Memes

Today, I'm going to be doing something a little different. This is one big meme list. It is a meme compilation you could say. You could look at this as one meme, or as ten memes (you should go with ten, because that makes me look better). However, if you do like this post and want to see more like it, comment down below.

Image result for oh look a penny meme

I like this mega-meme a lot. It is good, clean fun. I'd say my favorite is the truck, because it genuinely looks curious, and it is what got me started on the "Oh look a penny" memes. However, some of these seem like a stretch at best. For example, the horse one, that just looks like a falling horse. A horse doesn't have opposable thumbs. It can't even pick up a penny. Do you really expect me to believe that?

The one that I am most bothered by definitely has to be the girl with the book. They flipped the picture upside down and that messes with my OCD (or as some prefer, CDO because it's in alphabetical order).

Some of these, actually most of these, like the dirt-biker, look incredibly painful. I can't imagine what it would be like to fall over on a dirt-bike going 60 or 70 miles per hour. That would permanently damage your face, and probably kill you. I am pretty sure that these are staged though.

Thanks for reading my post on mega-meme. I really appreciate your views. If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends. If you hated it, then share it with your enemies. Oh, and today I figured out that if you click on the three lines in the top left corner, then you can follow me. Who doesn't want to be notified when their five (or ten in this case) daily memes come out?


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